Times New Viking, Titus Andronicus @ Rock and Roll Hotel, DC [6/25/08]
So, um, yeah.
I'm even more at a loss for words than usual when it comes trying to discuss last night's Times New Viking show.
I'll probably take some heat from this from various people, but I gotta be honest. I hated Times New Viking.
It's not a huge surprise, I guess. I like a few TNV songs, but not many, and have rarely gone back to listen to their albums after I first got them. But I'd heard good things about their live show, and I was hopeful that seeing them live would change my view of them, as it has with countless bands in the past.
It didn't. To be fair, other people I talked to at the show seemed to like it a lot. Guess TNV just isn't my thing.
And, as for Titus Andronicus, who opened the show along with True Womanhood, I really want to see them in about 12-18 months. I think they've got a ton of talent, and a lot of energy on stage, but as of now they're more potential than anything. Too many of their songs aren't that interesting, and they tend to wear their influences on their sleeves a bit too much. But they definitely have their moments, and hopefully those moments will get longer and longer as time goes on.
Some pics...
Times New Viking

Titus Andronicus

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