Free New Antlers EP!

Well, get ready, because the band is releasing a brand new free EP today called New York Hospitals. You can download it here.
Apparently Pat over at the excellent Pop Tarts Suck Toasted blog asked Peter to put together an EP for the upcoming After The Jump Fest in Brooklyn (6/21!), and New York Hospitals was the result. That's the power that blogs have these days, folks. :^)
You can also catch The Antlers live a few times over the next month or so if you're in New York. They're at Cake Shop on June 16th, then they play the aforementioned After The Jump Fest (which I hope to attend), and then Union Pool in Brooklyn on July 17th.
This may be your last chance to jump on board so you can say you knew them before they got huge, so act accordingly.
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