Friday, January 04, 2008

The Wire Returns

Just a reminder -- television's best show (ever?), The Wire, returns this Sunday on HBO at 9pm. Even if you've never seen it before, I can't recommend strongly enough that you check it out. This is sadly the show's final season, and it's guaranteed that some serious shit's gonna go down.

Plus, if you were a Homicide fan like me, you'll be please to know that Clark Johnson (Det. Meldrick Lewis) has a prominent role this season.


At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm obsessed with homicide. haven't seen a single episode in years, but i've got seasons 1-4 on dvd just waiting for a serious marathon.

we don't have hbo at home, so i can't say i've seen the wire. might be a good one to catch on dvd.

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Steve said...

If you love Homicide, then you definitely need to check out The Wire. It's the reason that Netflix was invented (well, sorta).

Plus, at various times during the series, you get a Luther Mahoney sighting (he plays the Baltimore M.E.).


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