Monday, January 28, 2008

Whigs on Letterman Tonight!

Just a reminder to set your TiVos to record The Whigs on Letterman tonight. Plus, if you haven't heard their excellent new CD yet, you can still listen to it for free over at Rhapsody (though you need to install the Rhapsody player).

I still need to decide whether or not to drive up to Baltimore on Thursday to catch them with the Spinto Band and Plants and Animals at 8x10. I haven't made it up to a single Baltimore show since I've been in DC, so the odds aren't good... but then again, I suppose I'm due for a road trip.

Oh, and I'd be remiss if I didn't point this out -- you can buy the band's new album, Mission Control, for the unbelievably low price of $7.59 over at


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