Thursday, November 01, 2007

D.C. Vaults Into 21st Century

I was wrong... D.C. hasn't just entered the 20th century, it very well might just finally be in the 21st century.

DCist is reporting that, not only are D.C. taxis switching to a meter system (instead of its ridiculous zone system), but the new meters "will be connected to the light on top of the cab allowing passengers to see if a taxi is available." In other words, like the rest of the civilized world, a lit-up light on top of a cab will now mean that that cab is empty and available.

Wow, who'da thunk it?

Does this also mean that the old rule allowing drivers to pick up additional passengers at their discretion is also gone? (Yep, even if you're in a rush, D.C. cab drivers just loooove to pull over and pick up random strangers on the street when you're already in the cab so they can double their fare. It's an awesome system, trust me.)


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