Okkervil River @ Rock and Roll Hotel, DC [9/30/07]
I've seen several shows this year that I would classify as great, including shows by The Figgs, The Frames, The National, Wheat and Wilco. Tonight's show by Okkervil River may have topped them all.
Amazingly, this was actually my first time seeing the band live. I've had tickets to see them 2 or 3 times before, and also had opportunities to catch them for free during SXSW and New York's summer River to River concert series, but something has always come up (usually timing - the free shows were too early, and I think the band went on stage somewhere around 1:30am at their last show at the Knitting Factory).
I will never miss them again.
If you've listened to the band's albums, you know (or at least you should) that this is a great band. What you may not know, and I certainly didn't, is that they are a great, rollicking rock band. I wish I could see them again tomorrow. How long a drive is it from DC to Chapel Hill?
Okkervil River

As if Okkervil's performance wasn't enough, I was thrilled to discover when I showed up at the club that Jonathan Meiberg would be opening the show (along with Damian Jurado). In addition to being a member of Okkervil, you may also know Meiberg as the frontman for the Shearwater. We were treated to a number of Shearwater songs, including a new song, as well as an Alastair Roberts cover. Can't wait to get a new Shearwater album.
Damian Jurado also played an excellent set. He's one of those guys whose name I've heard for years but never gotten around to listening to. I'll have to remedy that.
Jonathan Meiberg

Damian Jurado

Keep your eyes on the All Songs Considered page for audio of tonight's show. I can't recommend strongly enough that you download it when you get the chance.
I was also at the show last night for my first Okkervil experience. What an effing fantastic time! The energy of the band, the collection of instruments, Will singing until his voice just about gave out, and a really pumped up, completely packed-house audience (a rarity for DC).....just a stellar show.
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