Anders Parker @ Iota, Arlington, VA [10/9/07]
After planning for a couple of days to see Josh Ritter at the 9:30 Club last night, I changed my mind around 6pm and decided to join my friend Matt to check out Anders Parker at Iota instead.
I'm only slightly familiar with Anders' solo work (and only slightly more familiar with his work under the Varnaline name), but I've always liked what I've heard, including his recent album with Jay Farrar under the Gob Iron moniker.
I was really impressed by Anders' set last night. While it's certainly not always the most exciting thing in the world to watch a guy with a guitar play slow, sad songs, when the songs are as good as Anders', it's hard to get bored (for me, at least).
As proof, here are a couple of excellent songs that I found online. I'll definitely be picking up some of his discs soon.
SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search
And one slightly blurry pic. It feels weird to take pictures with a flash in a club as small as Iota.

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