Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New DC Shows

A bunch of new shows popped up over at the Rock and Roll Hotel's site today. This place is clearly becoming my favorite venue in DC.

Sun., 10/14: Saves The Day (acoustic)
Wed., 10/17: 1990s
Mon., 10/22: Owen, Kevin Devine and Andy Hull
Thu., 10/25: Travis Morrison Hellfighters
Thu., 11/15: Enon, Love of Diagrams
Mon., 11/19: Malajube

All of these shows are on sale this Friday at 10am, except for Enon and Malajube, which are on sale next Friday (8/31). Also, they've finally picked an on-sale date for the Sat. 10/27 Whigs/Broken West show - this Friday at 10am.


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