The National @ Bowery Ballroom [5/28/07]
Tonight was the first night of The National's sold out 5-night stand at Bowery Ballroom here in New York, and it was spectacular. There were no surprise guests, and the setlist stuck primarily to Boxer and Alligator, with the exception of "Murder Me Rachael" (and one more?), but the band was in incredible form and sounded great. And, in what is becoming a really impressive tradition, the crowd was respectful during the quiet parts and an overall pleasure to be a part of, much like last year's show at Webster Hall. Why can't every crowd be like this??
Some pics:

For those going the next few nights, take note that the opener went on right around 9, and The National went on just a couple minutes after 10pm (and played until about 11:35pm or so). I don't have tickets for any of the other Bowery shows, but I am seeing them in their "old" hometown of Cincinnati in a couple weeks. Can't wait.
And, as for the openers, The Broken West, I'm sorry if you missed them. I've seen them live about 7 times now, and this was by and far the best set I've seen from them. I may need to catch them on Thursday at Maxwell's with The Comas.

i was at the show too. more pics are attached on my blog. cheers!
I saw them last night, am seeing them on Thurs, and am seriously considering yoinking a ticket for tonight. SOOOOO yummy...
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