New Ted Leo Video
I'm a little surprised that Ted decided to go with "Bomb.Repeat.Bomb" as the lead video from Living With The Living. It's not my favorite song on the album -- by a longshot -- and it's definitely not the song to win him a larger audience. "Sons of Cain" would have been the obvious song to go with, or "Bottle of Buckie", which has been getting a good amount of play over at WOXY.
But that raises the question -- is Ted really the type of artist who's going to grow his audience through a video? Indeed, aside from the gimmicky ones (ahem, OK Go), does anyone really pay much attention to videos these days, other than me?
While I've already registered my feelings for this song elsewhere--mainly, that it truly, truly sucks--the video itself is actually pretty cool, but, yeah, you're right, why does anyone even pay for these things any more? They seem like pretty expensive, ineffective marketing tools. Much better to spend your money getting MP3s out to blogs, doing co-op stuff, getting live webcasts going, etc. Better yet, record a show for MTV2 and have them broadcast it. That will get a lot more attention than a video (probably cheaper, too).
As an aside, pretty good interview with Ted in the new Onion (The Iraq War: Celebrating Four Years of Winning!), where he talks about how he's pretty much at the audience level he's going to stay at, which I think is a great, healthy way to look at things. Ted deserves to be huge, but I think he's at a nice, sustainable level.
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