Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New Releases on eMusic

In my recent drive to cut my personal expenses, one of the things I've managed to do pretty well is reduce the number of physical CDs I buy. There was a point not long ago that I was dropping, on average, $100 or more each week on new CDs. Luckily, eMusic and LaLa have made it pretty easy for me to get most of the CDs I want, and still make sure that the artist is getting its well-deserved royalty.

I didn't expect this to be the case, but it turns out that a lot of the CDs coming out today that I want are actually available on eMusic. I'll probably still pick up a couple of these at the store (I still have a Christmas gift card), but it's good to see how up-to-date eMusic is.

Today's interesting eMusic releases:

The Broken West, I Can't Go On, I'll Go On
David Vandervelde, The Moonstation House Band
The Honeydogs, Amygdala (I think this came out today, but could be wrong)
You Am I, Convicts

A couple of these are "incomplete" at eMusic, but I'm sure that will be remedied soon.


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