Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Secret Machines In The Round

The Secret Machines will be returning to the New York area for two shows this fall. Apparently, both shows will be "in the round", meaning the sound is gonna suck big time.

The deets:

Monday, October 2: Irving Plaza (on sale on August 15 at noon)
Friday, November 3: Warsaw (on sale on August 15 at noon)

Seriously, this does sound cool, but how in the world are they going to make this work at Irving and Warsaw?


At 2:09 PM, Blogger danfun said...

I saw this show at the Hiro early this year. The sound is fine. Irving does seem a little small, however I will probably go to the warsaw because it is a great venue. If I was to go to Irving I would go and get a spot on the balcony.


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