Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Hiders @ Pianos, NYC [7/24/06]

If I were to put together a list of my favorite musical "discoveries" of 2006 so far, Cincinnati's The Hiders would be near the top of the list. If you don't know them, the Hiders are the latest project of Bill Alletzhauser of the legendary (to me, at least) Ass Ponys. Their album, Valentine, is one of the best alt-country-ish discs I've heard in a while. Or maybe it's the best Neil Young album that Neil never made. Either way, it's fantastic, and I can't recommend it enough.

Check out a couple songs:

"Everything I Wanted"
"Into the Sun" (live)

I didn't expect to actually have the chance to see the band live anytime soon, so I was pretty thrilled to notice a few weeks ago that they'd added a date here in town following a big festival they played in Philly yesterday. They didn't disappoint. The band sounded great. They played pretty much the entirety of Valentine, and I think one or two new songs which were both excellent as well. My pictures kinda suck, since I tried going without a flash, and it didn't work all that well:

Listen to some more songs at the band's website or at its MySpace page.
And if you like what you hear, pick up a copy of Valentine at Miles of Music.


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