Decemberists To Play Hammerstein (Dammit)
So I've pretty much come to accept the fact that the Decemberists are freakin' huge these days, and that they're only going to get bigger with the release of their new album, The Crane Wife, on Capitol on October 3rd.
(That's not to say I understand why they're so big. I love them and all, but how did a dorky band that writes dorky songs that aren't about teenage angst get so popular??)
What I can't get over, though, is that they've decided that their popularity requires them to play New York's Hammerstein Ballroom - i.e., the worst venue I've ever been to. For those of you unfamiliar, Hammerstein has a humungous general admission floor and two or three large balconies, giving it a total capacity of around 5,500, I think. The room has several key flaws, not least of which is that the stage is too low, meaning that unless you're at the front of the floor (a near impossibility unless you're the first person in the door), you can barely see the band. I saw Dylan there a couple of years back and was lucky to see his hair sticking above the crowd for about 5 minutes. The second major problem is that the sound sucks on the floor. Just awful. So if you want to hear anything, you need to be in a balcony, where, of course, you can't see a freakin' thing. And, considering that one of the Decemberists' calling cards is their connection with their concert crowd, this is going to absolutely kill their live dynamic. I'd much rather see them do 2 nights at Roseland, as bad as that place is.
Anyway, the show is November 3rd (thanks to Brooklyn Vegan for the heads up), and Ticketmaster has no indication of an onsale date yet. Personally, I may skip Hammerstein and go to one of the following shows at much better venues:
Sunday, October 29th, 9:30 Club, Washington D.C.
Monday, October 30th, 9:30 Club, Washington D.C.
Wednesday, November 1st, Electric Factory, Philadelphia
Enjoying your blog.
Not the biggest fan of the Decemberists (what's up with the knicker fettish?).
I just moved up to north Jersey from the Philly burbs. Never been to Hammerstein but may go see Muse next week. Thanks for the heads up.
Don't know if you've ever been, but the Electric Factory isn't a terrible place to see a show. In my opinion the best place I've been to is the House of Blues in Atlantic City. (White Stripes, Sept/05).
And I'm sure you know, but Dylan is going to be up in Fishkill, NY on Sept. 1st. Another minor league stadium tour but I'm going anyway. Later.
Hey Jack, thanks for the comments (and for reading!). I think I'm going to try to hit one of the Decemberists shows in DC, since I have people to crash with and since the 9:30 Club is one of my favorite venues. Then again, if I can convince one of my friends with a car to drive, maybe we'll make it to Philly.
As for Dylan, the stadium thing kinda kills me. But I may try to make it anyway. I'm sure he'll tour through NYC at some point though...
Steve -
I am in no way a fan of Hammerstein, but I must disagree with one of your points. You CAN see the stage from the balconies, you just need to be be in the first 10 rows or so of each (which is much easier to accomplish than getting close to the stage on the floor). Besides, I think it would be peferable to have a seat for a Decemberists show as they tend to make me more than a little sleepy whenever I hear 'em...
Yeah, what I meant is that you're pretty far away. You can see everything, just not in the way I like to (i.e., I've grown used to being 5-10 feet from the stage).
The one time I sat in the balcony was for Guns n' Roses, and it felt like I was watching on one of those small 13" TV sets. The sound upstairs is pretty good, though.
It's a trade off, and no location at Hammerstein gives you a particularly good concert-going experience..
Oh, and the Decemberists rock!
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