Thursday, July 13, 2006

Bishop Allen on eMusic

So, as I mentioned, I made the decision the other day to invest in the whole "month EP" series that Bishop Allen has been doing this year. On a lark, I decided to check eMusic (which I'd checked before, to no avail) to see if they had any of the EPs online. Guess what? They do. Both January and February.

To be honest, January doesn't do much for me (and "The Rabbit" didn't download correctly, either), but February is spectacular. Do yourself a favor and check it out, either via eMusic or from the band's website.

"The News From Your Bed" (from February)

I'm hoping that the rest of the EPs start showing up on eMusic soon, so I'll hold off on buying anything else for right now. But if they're not online by the time of the band's show at Pianos at the end of the month [7/28], I'll buy the rest then. (Yours truly is in a bit of a money-saving/hoping to quit his job soon mode.)


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